Academic Senate - Community Service Goals

The Academic Senate Scholarship is made possible by the faculty of San Diego Miramar College. To assist students, the Senate established this scholarship awarded each year.

One Short Essay (Each 250 word maximum) OR Video (Each no longer than 3 minutes) for each of the scholarships you wish to apply for. Note: It is an option to not show yourself in the videos.

Supplemental Questions
  1. OPTIONAL: Upload a video discussing your community service goals. Note: Community service can include service to family, friends, houses of worship, nonprofit organizations, and to the Miramar College community via leadership and other forms of service.
  2. What are your community service goals? How would receiving these scholarship funds support your community service goals? Note: Community service can include service to family, friends, houses of worship, nonprofit organizations, and to the Miramar College community via leadership and other forms of service.